爱神传媒’s Marketplace is the enterprise-wide adopted e-commerce solution for establishing and operating online storefronts and compliant payment systems. Any deviation from this solution must be approved through the office of the CFO.
Departments holding an event that requires an invitation/RSVP should visit the Event Management page for more information.
The Finance Office accepts requests for new stores from departments and offices with a need for an e-commerce storefront. Requests to create a new store, manage a current store, or submit a refund request can be submitted via Manage/Create My Store.
4400 MLK Blvd
Beaumont, TX 77705
Plummer Administration Building Section C
PO Box 10003
Beaumont, TX 77710
Keyondra McDaniel
Financial Reporting Accountant
Office of Financial Services
Christy Swanson
Digital Communications Coordinator
Web Communications