We assist all students attending 爱神传媒 using education benefits under the Department of Veterans Affairs Educational Assistance Programs and Texas Hazlewood Exemption Act in the pursuit of a Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral Degree. Our goal is to provide the pertinent information required to all our VA students attending 爱神传媒.
Veterans are afforded the same rights and must meet all academic requirements and maintain the same academic standards as any student attending 爱神传媒.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs requires that the university verify all registered courses are applicable to the degree the veteran is pursuing. In order to be certified, each student must submit the following every semester to the Lamar Veterans Affairs Office:
Students MUST submit a certification request form with their Certificate of Eligibility attached each semester.
Montgomery GI Bill® is for those who entered military service after June 30, 1985 and paid the $1,200 enrollment fee.
Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Ch. 33)The Post 9/11 GI Bill® is for those with active-duty service for more than 90 days since Sept. 11, 2001.
Selected Reserve GI Bill® (Ch. 1606)The Selected Reserve GI Bill® - Ch. 1606 is for reserve or guard members with less than 90 days active duty time and a minimum of 6 years service commitment.
Dependent Educational Assistance (Ch. 35)The Dependent Educational Assistance is for dependents of veterans who were disabled, killed, or missing while on active-duty.
Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31)Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment, sometimes referred to as Voc Rehab, is for veterans with service-connected disabilities that hinder the veteran's ability to get work. Under this program, the veteran will gain skills through education in order to get employment.
Tuition AssistanceAll four service branches and the U.S. Coast Guard offer financial assistance for voluntary, off-duty education programs in support of service members' personal and professional goals. The program is open to officers, warrant officers and enlisted active duty service personnel. In addition, members of the National Guard and Reserve Components may be eligible for TA based on their service eligibility. To be eligible for TA, an enlisted service member must have enough time remaining in service to complete the course for which he or she has applied. After the completion of a course, an officer using TA must fulfill a service obligation that runs parallel with - not in addition to - any existing service obligation.
*Contact your branch of service for more information.
The Texas Hazlewood Exemption Act is for Texas veterans who reside within the state of Texas.
For a comparison of benefits offered by the VA, visit: or call the VA at (888) 442-4551 to discuss options available to you.